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The Count Of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas

Book Synopsis: In 1815 Edmond Dantès, a young and successful merchant sailor who has just recently been granted the succession of his erstwhile captain Leclère, returns to Marseille to marry his Catalan fiancée Mercédès. Thrown in prison for a crime he has not committed, Edmond Dantès is confined to the grim fortress of If. There he learns of a great hoard of treasure hidden on the Isle of Monte Cristo and he becomes determined not only to escape, but also to unearth the treasure and use it to plot the destruction of the three men responsible for his incarceration.


Quick show of hands... who here has seen the movie before they watched the book?

Slowly and shyly raises up own hand.

Yes, I am one of the people that actually decided to watch the movie way before reading the book and I don't regret that decision because it made me love the book and movie even more.

Jim Caviezel is in the film adaptation and he made a perfect Edmond Dantès. He's one of my favorite actors, and he did the characterization justice and delivered an Oscar-worthy performance.

I can finally say that I can cross this off of my TBR List of Classics, and proudly say that I've read it!

What is there to say about this book that already hasn't been said...

by me...

Well, this book was big, a mammoth of a novel. The version that I read was in English, and a Penguin Classic Paperback Edition.

Stupidly I read the physical copy rather than smartly downloading the book on my Nook tablet to read, but obviously I wasn't thinking and decided to suffer and carry a heavy book around with me.

Not the brightest idea I've ever had, but I stuck to it and finished reading it.

It's really all a blur to me, but I think I enjoyed it, I was thinking about the movie the entire time!

Rating: ★★★★★ 5/5 Stars!

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