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Famous In A Small Town - Emma Mills

Book Synopsis: For Sophie, small town life has never felt small. With her four best friends—loving, infuriating, and all she could ever ask for—she can weather any storm. But when Sophie’s beloved Acadia High School marching band is selected to march in the upcoming Rose Parade, it’s her job to get them all the way to LA. Her plan? To persuade country singer Megan Pleasant, their Midwestern town’s only claim to fame, to come back to Acadia to headline a fundraising festival.

The only problem is that Megan has very publicly sworn never to return. What ensues is a journey filled with long-kept secrets, hidden heartbreaks, and revelations that could change everything—along with a possible fifth best friend: a new guy with a magnetic smile and secrets of his own.


It's finally here! I can't believe that I was able to get my hands on this book so early, but it happened.

Another thing that I quickly want to mention is that I read the hardcover edition and it is so cute, the dust-jacket cover has texture and it just feels so nice to run your fingers over. A lot of people weren't too happy with the actual design of the cover of the book itself because it is speckled in a rainbow sort of fashion.

This is the fourth book that I've ever read by Emma Mills and it didn't disappoint!

The book starts off on a high note, the first sentence just got me smiling and maybe a bit of inner laughter too.

Even though I don't like Brit as a character, I still find her crassness and brutal honesty sort of refreshing. Also, August is so boyish and cute, I just wanted more words about Sophie and August and less talk about Megan Pleasant (most people would agree with.)

Definitely, I can see why people were not so into this book, and I think that I will compare it to First & Then by Emma Mills which was the first book that I read from the author - the feel and the cadence of this novel is so similar to that other book she wrote and I'm not mad about it, I just hoped she would've branched out.

It completely and totally drew me in, I couldn't put it down.


Today, I started a reading challenge from PopSugar and even though I got a late start, I'm hoping that I can finish it before the end of the year.

So far I've crossed off about 5 things from the checklist officially.

A full blog of that challenge will be coming soon! Look out for any day between today and Thursday of this week.

If you want to know which challenge I'm doing, I'm using the 2019 PopSugar one and it's pretty straight forward, if you want to follow it on the site too, you can just type it in, I found it through Pinterest. Obviously you can search for it on Google or whatever search engine you so please, but it's definitely on PopSugar's website.

Rating: ★★★★★ 5/5 Stars!

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