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Confessions of a Beauty Addict - Nadine Jolie Courtney

From Nadine Haobsh, aka Jolie in NYC ("The poster child for the blogger can't help but love her."—New York Post), comes a delectable novel that only a true beauty industry insider could have written!

Book Synopsis: Bella Hunter may be down but she's not out yet—and she's ready to take on the world of bad makeover at a time. Pity the poor twenty-eight-year-old beauty expert and columnist for ultra-chic Enchanté magazine, knocked right out of her Jimmy Choos—and out of a job—when her off-the-cuff comment to a reporter is blown way out of proportion. Once theauthority on style, Bella's reduced to taking a position at Womanly World, a publishing dinosaur of no interest whatsoever to any woman under fifty. Suddenly she's got to take orders from a dreary and dowdy beauty director—and is soon at war with her male publisher, who might actually be appealing if he wasn't so totally frosty. Bella's supermodel boyfriend, a hometown wedding, and a Paris junket are fine distractions, to be sure. But how can she face her friends and ex-coworkers now that she's stuck in an office where khaki—not Cavalli—is the way of life? And if beauty's not what it's all about...then what is?


Confession: I hated this book. I was honestly expecting to like it, so I blindly went in and started reading it. Never have I been more disappointed.

I wanted to like this, truly I did, but I just couldn't. For starters, the main character, I wanted to shake her, she is horrible! So dull yet so annoying, so whiny yet trying to be her best. This is actually the second book by Nadine Jolie Courtney that I've read, but I am sort of regretting even picking this book up. Which doesn't necessarily mean that I will not be reaching for another one of this author's books anytime soon, I like to complete things and only consider DNF'ing a book if I really feel like nothing can save it, (which is pretty rare).

It was a major fail, everything, from the characters to the setting and the pretentiousness and snottiness of it all just got to me.

Usually, I enjoy reading Gossip Girl and similar things like that for a little guilty pleasure read for a pick me up but this did not fall into that category. Bella reeked of spoiled little girl and I don't like those tropes.

Unfortunately, I have nothing nice to say about this book. As the saying goes, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. Now I can't be a saint and follow that old adage, but I will continue my mini rant and continue to, for lack of a better word bash this book.

Seriously, it was like Murphy's Law, if anything can go wrong it will go wrong. Hot freakin' mess and I was stuck trying to finish it and I did, but at a cost to me. I wasted so much time reading it, that I wish I could take those two hours of my life back.

Bella Hunter is without a doubt one of the worst main characters that I've ever read about, I detest her and will not be reading more about her in the foreseeable future.

Rant over.

Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5 Stars - Maybe I'm being a bit too generous.

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