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Rumor Has It - Jill Mansell

Book Synopsis: Would you be tempted? Newly single, Tilly Cole impulsively accepts a job offer in a small town as a "Girl Friday." Fun job, country house, fresh start, why not? But soon she finds herself in a hotbed of gossip, intrigue, and rampant rivalry for the town's most desirable bachelor-Jack Lucas. Rumors of Jack's "love 'em and leave 'em" escapes abound, and Tilly decides to do the mature, sensible thing... avoid Jack at all cost. But the more time Tilly spends with Jack, the more the rumors just don't make sense. Tilly doesn't know what to believe... and Jack's not telling.


This was purely a cover pick up, I did judge a book by its cover and I thought it was so cute, and I was right.

I'm sad to say that this was not my favorite, but it still made a good enough rating that I wouldn't categorize it as being terrible.

What is a Girl Friday anyway? It sounds like some kind of hooker or call girl. That was not the case, thankfully, it was some what of an au pair job.

My favorite character was Lou, and I think that she just made the whole book lighter and more fun.

I really enjoyed reading the interactions between Jack and Tilly. They're adorable.

Rating: ★★★☆☆ 3/5 Stars

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