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Breakfast, Bouchy & Murder (Willa Friday Food & Wine Cozy Mystery #4) - Jamie Lee Scott

Book Synopsis: Willa Friday has sworn off amateur sleuthing. She's focused on growing her food blog, that is until her assistant goes AWOL. Then her mother-in-law leaves an urgent message. Once again, Willa is tracking down a killer. Delicious recipes included.


Guess who's back, back again?

Willa Friday that's who! Murderer's beware! Because this crime's about to get solved!

As always I get excited when I see that the book has recipes included. I'm a foodie, so it's always welcome for me.

Is this the last book in the series? I sure hope not. Murder mystery books have been one of my favorite things to read lately and I can't seem to get enough.

I can't say too much without spoiling the whole plot, but I can say that I absolutely loved this one.

Rating: ★★★★★5/5 Stars!

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