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Shopaholic To The Rescue (Shopaholic # 8) - Sophie Kinsella

Book Synopsis: Becky Bloomwood and a hilarious cast of beloved family and friends (plus one enemy!) set off in a van to find her missing father, last heard from in Las Vegas. Becky’s father Graham and her best friend’s husband, Tarquin, have disappeared from Los Angeles saying simply they have “something to take care of.” But Tarquin’s wife Suze who is Becky’s best friend, and Becky’s mother Jane, are convinced the two men are hiding something and are in danger—their imaginations run wild. They must track them down! Hijinks ensue as husband Luke drives Becky, daughter Minnie, Jane, Suze and other favorite Kinsella characters across country from LA to Las Vegas in search of the missing men. Becky feels deeply guilty about ignoring her father while he was in LA, in addition Becky feels her enemy Alicia is threatening her friendship with Suze.


So it looks like we've come to the end of the road... possibly?

Disastrous. Missing: Becky's father and Suze's husband. Where are they, and maybe what happens in Vegas shouldn't stay secret...

This was the only book in the series where I didn't like Suze, yes she made stupid mistakes, but she sort of redeemed herself towards the end.

All in all, this novel was very cute, and I'm sad to say that the series is finally over!

If they were to make a short TV series about Shopaholic, I'd definitely watch it, but if they don't that's fine too.

Currently, I'm reading Sophie Kinsella's: I've Got Your Number. Although the start is a bit slow for me, I'm going to soldier on and finish it. Fingers crossed that it all gets better as I continue reading.

Rating: ★★★★☆

My Average Rating For Shopaholic Series: ★★★★☆

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