There's Something About Sweetie - Sandhya Menon

Book Synopsis: Ashish Patel didn’t know love could be so…sucky. After he’s dumped by his ex-girlfriend, his mojo goes AWOL. Even worse, his parents are annoyingly, smugly confident they could find him a better match. So, in a moment of weakness, Ash challenges them to set him up.


The Patels insist that Ashish date an Indian-American girl—under contract. Per subclause 1(a), he’ll be taking his date on “fun” excursions like visiting the Hindu temple and his eccentric Gita Auntie. Kill him now. How is this ever going to work?

Sweetie Nair is many things: a formidable track athlete who can outrun most people in California, a loyal friend, a shower-singing champion. Oh, and she’s also fat. To Sweetie’s traditional parents, this last detail is the kiss of death.


Sweetie loves her parents, but she’s so tired of being told she’s lacking because she’s fat. She decides it’s time to kick off the Sassy Sweetie Project, where she’ll show the world (and herself) what she’s really made of.

Ashish and Sweetie both have something to prove. But with each date they realize there’s an unexpected magic growing between them. Can they find their true selves without losing each other?

"To know her is to love her"

There is something so great and magical about this book, and I just loved it from the first page.

I do know the character of Sweetie well, I even identify with her myself.

Growing up, I was a skinny girl, and then around high school, things changed, I was considered "fat" in my eyes, when the reality was I was only tipping the scale at 115 lbs.

Keep in mind, I wasn't anorexic, just body conscious and being too hard on myself lead me on a slippery slope journey that got me to the place I am currently today.

As of now, my body has been put through the ringer, through loves and losses, through heartbreaks, and joyous times. I am not where I want to be yet, but I am happy that I'm not where I used to be.

Probably the thing that I love most about this book isn't the love story, but the fact that Sweetie Nair is so positive and so amazing - she truly inspires me.

I don't know who needs to hear this today, but like Sandhya Menon says in her acknowledgments:"you're enough. You always have been." To all the girls or to anyone who hasn't felt that they're good enough, or their too fat or too skinny, or just not comfortable in their own skin, this is the book for you.

Sandhya Menon has written such a powerful message that will transcend the very fabric of our society. She has written a novel that will make people talk and think about the words they use to describe themselves and others.

There is nothing that I would change about this book, I absolutely adored it, please go support this wonderful author by picking up a copy today! I can't wait for the audiobook and I will be buying a physical copy of my own to have in my library.

This book will move you, it definitely brought a smile to my face, and I'm eager to see and read whatever Sandhya writes next.

Rating: ★★★★★ 5/5 Stars!